Friday, April 29, 2011 @ 9:08 PM
THE Wedding, Xanxus, A Little Game, Examinations and the Awesome Batman.
Well, well, well. Look who's back to post again. It is I! Your KING. 8D Naw, I'm just kidding. Well, today, Prince William and Kate Middleton got married! :D It wasn't really super duper awesome and fairy-tale like though. How do I put this in a nice way? It seems that it wasn't very satisfactory... Or something. Not up to standard is that it? D: Nevertheless! It was very pretty! :D ![]() Om nom nom... Oh! Yeaaaaaah... I've fallen in love. With a man. His name. Is. XANXUS. >//< LIKE OMGZ. DO YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING IDEA HOW FUCKING HOT HE IS?! *A* HE IS. SO. FUCKING HOT. HOT YOU HEAR ME. GAHH. -Fans self- Whewww~ Hyuuu~ He reminds me of Kurogane somehow. The face. The face. Yeah. It's the face. (8 ![]() Ah~ Yes. I also have written a new [chaptered] fic that will be posted on my FF account soon. :D The supposed title I expect it to be will be - A Little Game. The pairing is R27 or otherwise known as Reborn x Tsuna. It's set in a AU where Tsuna's a teacher and older than the rest of his friends. Reborn is as usual, a imba person and... Well~ No spoilers. I plan to make it a lemon/lime in one of the chapters so for now, the rating will be K - T, depending on FF guidelines. R27 is one of my favourite pairings so yay! :D I'm also trying to create a possible story for an XS pairing. (Which is currently my top notch favourite) And in the future, perhaps also an attempt at a Shizaya or DesmondShaun from AC fic. Heh~ ![]() And how a Shuan Desmond fic would possibly look like... ![]() I will attempt to do a few sometime soon. When an idea pops up again. (8 But right now. I have exams to get to. Studying to be done... -Sigh- How depressing. It's like, I take about 3 humanities in total, Social Studies, History and Geography for my secondary course, because they're good and Social Studies is a compulsary. And you know... I have to write. A lot. Till my hand dies. ;-; Requiescat in Pace my dear hand. Ezio taught me special Italian words in ACII and Brotherhood. <3 Ah... Ezio. I miss you sooooo much. ;-; And I'm dying doctore. Save me. )8 I swear my studies are killing me. ![]() UGH. AND THE TIME TO PLAY MY BELOVED BATMAN IS GOOOOOONEEEEE. ;-; I AIN'T GOT NO CHANCE TO PLAY YEAH?!FUCK. D: You know why I've only 'started' playing such an old game now?! Because I restarted due to some circumstances... Well, I got a new awesome computer of my own naaow actually so yeah. 8D I GOT REALLY FAR ON THE PREVIOUS SAVED GAME OKAY. ;-; GEH. And pssst... Batman's body is really buff... Too buff. o_o Steroids?! Naw. But anyway, I like Batman. He's kinda... Cooooooooool *Coughandsexycough* and his voice... Ehe~ Huhu!~ >w< ![]() Recalculating... Recalculating... Reaching destination in 5... Years. Huhuhu. :3 Kaaay... What else. Ah. Doubleleaf is a fucking good artist yes?! SHE IS AWESOME. :D Check out her work on DA yeah? (8 You won't regret it. Heh. Free ads. :D Leave a comment in the tagboard should you wish for me to advertise your work. Haha! :D Okay! I'm signing off here with this short post. Ciao ciao! :D RQOTD: " Do not fear the darkness, but welcome its embrace " - Ezio Auditore da Firenze. RSOTD: 爱你不是爱给别人看 - 叶良俊 (It's good even though its Chinese. Trust me on this one.) RPOTD: ![]() Labels: batman, exam sickness, fanfic, wedding, xanxus |