one hell of a butler.

Saturday, December 25, 2010 @ 2:12 PM
[ Update! ]

:D Updaaaaating in process! Well anyway, the main thing I wanted to blog about today is actually THIS!

Isn't it preeeeeettyy?! *w*

I would reaaaally like to know where I can buy something like this here in Singapore. Any shop or anything that sells something similar? O_O I think its called a cuff. :D Teeell me if you know of anything! x3 Pleaaaaaase?

Ah. And I'm beginning to like shota. Ehe. I think I got influenced by the CielxSebastian pairing and some fanfics. x3 Ah. I started to like Giotto from KHR too. xD Hahaha... ^-^; BANG!

-Scratches head- ^-^; Is this PG?

Whip ya hair about five times nao! ^o^ Ahahaha! Okay. Now you didn't see anything! xD Ehe~ Oho. Anyway! Merry Christmas everybody! :D Aye... I didn't draw that. xD It's just a random picture~

Now... Wouldn't you want two cute guys to be your secret santa? ;D

Aigoooo ah. ;-; I think I'm a pervert now. -Goes hide in a closet- I'm so sorry. ;-;
Anyway! Recently I got the Edusave Scholarship thingy. :D It's gooood I tell you. 8D I'm gonna try my best next year to get it agaaain! 83 I'm super motivated to work hard nao. :D I finished my maths holiday homework too. ;w; So haaaappy. Ehe~ Ah. But I was like this while doing it. [I just realised how wrong that sounds. =w=;]

Aha~ If only I was a bishiie~! *w*

Ah! You must be wondering why I'm able to post so many pictures nao! :D Well! My computer seems to be okay. Sometimes it'll crash suddenly and at other times it'll die once it goes to power-saving mode. =__= Ugh. But other than those minor deflects its pretty much okay! :D

And anyway! I really like my pet in PS. :D Pet Society? HE'S SO DAMNED CUTE. ZOMGZ YEY. <3~ DAKON~ :D Here's a picture of my darling~

-Nods nods- Indeed, my darling is just too cute.

Okaaaay. I think I'll post a couple of pictures from/of Egypt up. :D

This is what we mostly ate there.

A relatively intact structure.


The Three Pyramids of Giza. One's the Grandfather's, The Father and The Son.


A ticket required for entrance to tourist sites.


Keychains + Sebastian~ =w=


Yup okay! I don't wanna drag this post any longer since hardly anyone comes check this blog out anymoar. ;n; Darnit. OKAY.

Ciao ciao!

RQOTD: ‎With wide eyes, I stared up into a pair of heterochromatic red and blue eyes hovering merely inches above. [Ehe. I should continue this sentence ne.] He grinned, and came closer, planting a gentle kiss that tasted lightly of chocolate. Leaving me stunned.
RSOTD: After School - BANG!

Cross-overs are so cute. xD


Eh...~ But I want the customer eating the chocolate and mint ice-cream(?)... =w=

[Ehe. I just realised this post is pretty short. xD It just seems long because of all the picture thingies. xD]

Wednesday, December 22, 2010 @ 12:13 AM
I'm back. And black.

AH. I'm kidding about the title! x3 Don't take it seriously. And no. I didn't turn black from being in Egypt. I didn't get sunburns. But I have chaappped lips and a little skin peeling. ;_; Do pity me my fellow followers. ;mm;

Hmmm... Well, Egypt was... Interesting. I definitely got a cultural shock [Everyday I SHOCK *SHOCK* Every night I SHOCK *SHOCK* I'm so sorry jebal naege dasi dolawa jullae] when I was there. In my opinion though, it is however, a good experience. It made me realise a little how fortunate we are to be living in Singapore, a place that's pretty much clean and all with good food for us everyday. Seriously.

And I met a couple of new people too. They were reaaaally fun. :3

AH. And I won't be posting pictures for this post because my computer's officially dead-ish and on-off-ish. I'm using a temporary measure right now, my dad's laptop combined forces with my monitor screen. ;o; -Sigh- And I was so looking forward to spamming my whole free time online and stuff for the rest of the holidays. ;-;

Ah but well, it gives me a chance to actually do my homework so yeah. I don't really feel the pinch since I've been REALLY slacking this whole time. Gotta pick up the pace again and all... Because school's gonna reopen soon. Urgh, this dreaaam is coming to an end and a new year is gonna begin. I promised myself I'm gonna focus a lot on my work next year because I really don't wanna disappoint myself again. Plus, its for my future as well. Uggghhh... ;_;

You know, I think I'm a really fickle person. :| I can't decide now if I really want to go to a JC or Poly. I really wanted JC because I mean, honestly, I don't like studying and JC is two years as compared to Poly's three. So you get the idea. But the point is in JC, I have to take Chinese. And I don't like Chinese even though I'm Chinese because I'm bad at it. Haha! ^-^; I do get that it gives me a one-up and all that crap but still. I have traumas from Chinese exams... Here's my story.

- I memorized all the meanings for the words and stuff in the shou ce for all the chapters that were going to be tested... And you know what. NOTHING came out at all. I think I failed that test. ;__; I felt so sad for myself. I spent so much time to do it too. - The end. LOL -

Yeah, that's my story. Anyway, I have to go sleep. ;__; I'll try to post a picture so that this post doesn't seem so wordy... [: I don't like wordy. Tsk. ;_; Ah and I've been reading shojo lately. [: Yep, I'm straight lol! xD My heart beated really ached and beated reaaaally fast. OwO Hoho! But I still like yaoi too. Don't worry. :3

And by the way, My Dear Computer, Please, Be Okay. D:

OH! And I have no idea why but I'll just say this here. I just felt like it because my mood's been really realistic-ish lately.

To anybody that I have ever offended, said something bad to, done something bad to, wronged, and all that... I'm sorry. I was stupid and foolish. It was probably my fault in the first place. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it. If it has caused you any harm or trauma or anything of that matter. I'm sorry. I really am. I just wasn't thinking right, I was probably living a dream all these years. Don't take it to heart, I was a kid. So... I'm sorry. I'm really. Sorry.

Ciao Ciao!

RQOTD: This dream is coming to an end.
-なぜ私はあなたと恋に落ちるか? (Why Did I Fall in Love With You?) by DBSK
-Truth by Arashi

Ah... Did you miss Hibari-san? :3

Sunday, December 5, 2010 @ 9:11 PM
I'm going. I'm going! + Update

I'm here to update for probably one more time before heading overseaaas! :D It's been a long time. Hmm. Okay, letsee. I haven't been drawing... Have I? O_O Meh, oh well. I'll check. AH. Well, nevermind that! I never want to ink ever again. ;__; It kills the whole piece for me because I suck at it. D: My product of inking is super FAIL. ;mm; Trust me, I just took it a nice angle. D:

Tch. Anyway! Uuuuuumm... OH. I GOT A NEW NOVEL BY TRUDI CANAVAN. YAY. :D

You know... The Ambassador's Mission is so damned hard to get. ;__; I'm considering but you know... Shipping fees are super ex. :| Hmph. Screw shipping fees. D< Aaaaaaand! You know what?! You know fucking hell what? D< POPULAR DOESN'T HAVE IT. SHIT. D< I mean like. ZERO. NOONE HAS IT. THE HECK IS WRONG?! And you know, I've been looking EVERYWHERE for Kuroshitsuji book one in ENGLISH and you know what?! IT'S EITHER TATTERED MUCH, NO SALE. NOT EVEN THERE. SHIT THE HECK IS WRONG MAN. D:

Ahem. Pardon me for the foul language. :D I was simply expressing my anger. ;__;
Hmmmm. Okay, yeah, I've finished watching the korean version of Hana Yori Dango. A.K.A Boys Over Flowers. -Gasp-!

It's... OKAY. I guess. Surprisingly. :X I REALLY REALLY LIKE GOO HYE SUN. <3 YEY. :D
o__o Well, I'm not attracted to the guys for some reason. Not my type I guess? D:

Ah! Besides that! I've also begun watching a Japanese drama too. It's called... RYUSEI NO KIZUNA. :D My brother's friend lent him the dvd, and I was curious so yeah. :D I'd reaaaally recommend it to you because its really coooooool. x3 No spoilers here! :D

And I spammed movies recently too. :D Rapunzel was great. :D I watched Despicable Me too. Okay okay. I'm slow. ;__; I'm sorry.

Yeeeep! And I finally got some apps on my phone. :D YEY. Fun apps. :3

Hmmmmmmm. Ah. I got some scholarship thingy in the mail recently. O_O Who else got it? o:

xD And yeaaaaah, Belated Happy Birthdaaaays (again) to Wen Zhen, Joshua Neo and Jerrold. :D You're all oooooold like me nao! xD Ahahaha. Okaaaay. Ummmm... YEAAAAH. x3

I'm beginning to keep up with KHR manga chapters nao. ;__; It keeps me connected to the KHR world. D: Kuroshitsuji is the same too. :D I'm so haaaaaappy. @317 and 51 respectively now. xD Ehe. My top two both start with K. xD Ehe. OKAY. Oh! I added more clickables! Do check 'em out! The Ending post nao. It got wordy. o:

[ Okay. Don't flaaaame. I know its an old picture but yeah. :3 ]


[ Because Kaito-san is so underated. D< ]

RSOTD: Raise Your Glass by Pink ; Firework by Katy Perry. [ In my opinion, these are seriously meaningful songs. Do give 'em a try. ]
RQOTD: It's gonna be okaaaaaay~ [ Quoted from 2PM's new song Without You. ]


Reach my prismic soul

cherilynn | taurus | fujoshi | VIP

I am worth $2,461,062.

Mere Obsessions.

Anime | Manga | FPS

Unconditional Desires.
[*]Kuroshitsuji: Sebastian Michaelis Nendroid
[*]Kuroshitsuji Mangas [GTS]
[ ]Vocaloid: Shion Kaito Nendroid
[/]Black+Green Cuff [GTS]
[ ]Dollzone YUU BJD

The endless connections

Mix the words up
tagboard x music.

Music Playlist at
the little things.

Clickables! :D

It took time to see
the archives.

You have my thanks
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