I LIKE HIM SO MUCH. HAHAHAHA. <3 8DDD Okay. -Cools self down- Sheesh. He is hot. )x Gah. It pains my heart so that characters, actors and idols can never cross paths with us ordinary folks. It's just so sad isn't it? ): Do realize I am attempting the British accent. (x Oh gosh. COLIN MORGAAAAAAAAN! D; -Sigh- He is so dreamy. (8 When I see him... I squeal. SQUEAL. ;w; Oh gosh! Ah yes, I am indeed a straight fujoshi. ;-; I like the Arthur x Merlin pairing but I also want Merlin for myself. :'3 Oh the paaaaaaaain of it all! D':

;-; Why did you have to be so adorable? I feel like crying soooo much. Just the feeling of not being able to meet your bias in real life is like. Painful. D; Ah. My heart just shattered into billions of pieces. ;-; And his acting. GOD HIS ACTING. It's just so... Engaging, I'd say. I don't know, I like it. It feels like he placed a ton of passion into it and his expressions are spot-on if you get what I mean... It gives you a nice feeling I guess. Plus, he's cute and has a nice Irish accent. (8 God. -Sigh-. It's bad to swoon over fictional characters and people that will probably never enter your life... Ever. You know. )':
Ah. I've reached the 3rd season of Merlin too. :D I practically spent my entire weekend watching the episodes too. (: Ah. I might even buy the DVD-set if I ever find it. Maybe while I'm at it, a sword too. But that might take awhile. Hmm.

Oh, as you can see, I am very biased towards Merlin. Or Colin Morgan. :D Either. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ah, and I think Gwaine and Arthur are tied for second place. Hehehehe. :X Though I just recently got into Gwaine... He's so... Charming. -Squeals- And Arthur! He's a prat. Yes, a prat indeed. But a royal one. Oh, and a cute one too, while I'm at it. :X But I totally ship Merthur. Gah. I'm such a fujoshi. D: Every time I see to guy characters I'll be like. Yaoi. Slash. ^^; Ugh. But its fine. It all good. Isn't it? O_O And the bromance in Merlin is gosh. Insane dood. (x

I'm pouring out my feelings here because hardly ANYONE comes here on their own anymore and well... I just have a lot of feelings that I can't freely express to people because well. Some intrests don't collide. ^^; In terms of games... Games are like... Games. They're super fun. Like take Assassin's Creed for example. Hardly any of the girls I know play it and so... I don't really have anyone to fangirl over it with unless its a guy. Which is fine really. I don't mind. Not many girls play those PC-type of games like AC, Prototype, Black Ops... Etc. You know. Those type of games?

Yeah. I'm fine totally. It just isn't their cup of tea. So yeah... I don't really have any girls to talk to it over with unless its about K-Pop or anime/manga soz. ^^; I dabble in a lot of things so at least I KNOW what others are talking about and I won't be so left out you know? And now Merlin? Pffft. How many of us actually watch it here when its only shown at certain timings? Yeah sure, people might know about it but they aren't fans... Yeah. Not many people. -Sigh- Oh, the troubles of a teenage girl. ;-;

-Sighs heavily again- Well, anyway. I was supposedly working on a piece of artwork which failzed miserably due to some... Acrylic paint problems. Here's how the preview looked like before well, it died. Mind you, I got A LOT of help for this piece.

Oh well. I'll just... Sit in this corner and grow mushrooms and cry now. ;-;
Oh yes! I recently just conquered my Mid-Years. I expect Bs. Loads of 'em. :3 No Cs please. D: Well excluding A Math but well... That's a different thing. Heh. ^^; But now, I'll have to relax. It's already over. From the beginning of the year till now... Life was much more stressful. It'll be over soon. I hope.

And yes! I've got an active Tumblr now! I have discovered the almighty powers of it. Originally I already had an account, just that it was... Dead. ^^; Do follow if you're interested in what I like! :D I'll be extremely pleased if you do so or visit. Heh~ Here's the link if you like:
" "

Well now, I'll be heading to sleep. It's about 1a.m. over here. -Yawn- I'm not sleepy. Just that my eyes are drooping. Slightly. I guess. Well bye. Love you all. <3
-Does a heart shape with my arms over my head- :D
RQOTD: Trust, is a double-edged sword.
RSOTD: John Farnham - You're the Voice (Okay, this was inspired by Bradley and Colin. :D)

Labels: colin morgan merlin merthur art exams tumblr