:D I am here to post agaaaain! Because well, I felt like it. :P
Well actually, I wanted to talk and drabble a little bit on stereotyping and whut I think of it but I decided not to because it takes a super long time to give ya the pictures and all. Oh! And I noticed many people are using tumblr now, so imma gonna be the traditional person and stick with blogging. Durhohoho. I'm a good person. :X
Alaudeeeeee~ -Squishy- Okok! How bout I just post ONE picture on stereotyping and some minor details. Make that three. LOL. :X Let's start with the all-rounder, typical hero type-pu.
LR> Kaede(BNK), Syaoran(TRC), Kyou(FB), Zen(ANSH). Details; Basically, the heroes. They usually end up with heroine type. Usually carries a sword if a weapon is needed. Usually a tsundere. Hopelessly in love and devoted to the heroine. Have the bright shine in their eyes. SFX: SHING~!
LRLR> Gino(CG), Fye(TRC), Takuma(VK), Tamaki(OHSHC) Details: Go figure. It's pretty obvious. o_o Blond happy go lucky type. xD
Now, let me give you just ONE very GOOD example shall I?
Kaname. Kuran. Details: Your knight in shining armor, always comes at the right time and is near flawless, the looks, the brains, the personality, you name it, he has it. Your dream man basically.
Okay! I'm done with stereotyping a few. (: NOW! A GLASS OR MARGARITA BEFORE FOUR! It's my new fanfic who has minor yaoi and is slightly not suitable for minors. (: It's under my user, MirrorSakura on And here's a quick link to my story --->
Excuse any errors at the moment, fanfiction is currently DOWN and is unable to edit stories. I didn't beta my work either so yeah. ;-; Oh speaking of which, those two below? They're both guys. (8 OH. AND. FYI! I LOVE YAOI. HAHAHA. (8 Yeah, I am THIS kind of person. :X
Too bad they aren't my pairing... :| xxx And well, school hasn't been SUPER awesome lately. Sheesssssh. :| It's tiring and boring. AND CHINESE AND MATHS HAVE BEEN THE CRAPPIEST. GUH. D< THEY'RE FRUSTRATING AND MAKES ME EFFIN PISSED. ;-;

And... Most of the time, I'm feeling really tired and all. o_o This year's really gotten stressful as compared to the past few years. ): I wonder how I got here really. ;-; Shucks. And I thought it would be easy. D: I have an oral exam tomorrow. :| In CHINESE. SHITSHITSHIT. ;w; Bless meeeeeee~
Irie-kun really demostrates how I feel this year. Okay, done with my post. Hopefully you read it and feel enlightened somehow that YAOI is actually good for you. ;D
signing off