:D Yo! So I'm posting this random chapter of my life again. :3 Partly because I'm bored and partly because a friend of mine has nothing to read~ x3 So! Anyway! I was thinking... What happens if you name your kid some anime character's name. xD OMGGGGG~ IT'LL BE LIKE~
You: "Yes [insert character name here] darling?~"
Kid: "Hug!"
You: [Squishes the cuddly kid]
xD In my case, it'll be like...
Kid: "MOMMA!"
You: "Yes, Squalo-darling?~" or "Yes, Mukuro-darling?~" or "Yes, Sebastian-darling?"
Kid: "Hug!"
You: [Squishes the cuddly kid]
[Well, if the kid's a boy anyway. xD]

Ahahaha! Omg. :D I'll be so hyper and squishing my kid all over. xD
Anywaaaaaaaay! CNY just finished. o: So saaaaaaad. ;-; -Sigh- No moar holidays for awhile... Sheesh. :| And you know, I've been thinking and well, we humans really made life much much more complicated now. -Sigh- It does have advantages but disadvantages as well. Its... Debatable I guess. But honestly. Life sucks. -Sigh- D: Ah shucks. Anyway. POTBELLY SEAHORSES ARE SUPER CUTE. HOHOHO.
SEE! AREN'T THEY SO FLUFFAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY! Nyahahaha! :D Potbelly is such a fluffaaaaay term. Mohohohohoho!
Ohhhhhh~ And recently nothing's been registering in my head. :| I feel sad for myself. D: AND DJ GOT US FALLIN' IN LOVE AGAAAAINNNNNNNNNN~~~~~~~~~ WOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Che. I'm too high oval that song. x3
WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO~ And shucks! I missed the GD and TOP issue of Teenage. :| RAWWWWWWWRRRR! D< My luck's been horrible too lately. :|
And you know... All the guys in KHR are really honestly. HOT. ;3 And you know... Some people just don't get the beauty of anime or manga. Seriously. I don't know whats so coooooool about them just because they like KPOP. Fuck that. =_= They're real yeah and manga and anime aren't. So what? Not as if being real will change the fact that you'll EVER get them. =_= YEAH. I'M REALISTIC ENOUGH. LOL. Claiming them as your boyfriends? Srsly? Are you kidding? THEY'RE NOT YOURS. TOO BAD. :| I like KPOP too, don't get the wrong idea, but what's wrong with liking anime or manga? Tch. =_= I get it the characters are just made up of pixels, then so what? Your KPOP guys or girls are what? Fats? Carbos? Protein? PIECES OF MEAT?! =_= Oh, that line was in fact, inspired from a manga. :|
:P BLEH TO YOU. And for your information, they're much hotter thanks. =_= -Sigh- Enough of rant. Lol. My studies have been pretty... Average lately. I guess. No steaaaaaaaaam anymoaaar. :| So saaaad. ;-; I don't feel like doing anything. -Sigh- I wonder... What'll the future be like. o__o Anyway! I'd best be doing my work now... So bye. D: Anyway! Happy CNY and hope you enjoy your year! May you be blessed in whatever you do.

OH! Before I forget... Valentines is comin'~ 8D I'll be doing something for my friends hohoho. -Cough Maybe even something with... xD Cough- :3 Oh! And I finally found a place with all those pretty cuffs already! :D

Signing off with this short post lol.
RQOTD: Don't just exist. Live.
RSOTD: DJ Got us Fallin' in Love Again - Usher ft. Pitbull
Byebye for a long time nao! :D