Ciaossu! Ooh!
I'm back to post again! Wyuuuu wyuu. :3 This is gonna be a loooong post btw. (x
Okay so the exams are finally dead and goone~ Woo! :D I did pretty well for myself. (x I'm happy that I mantained my position and even gone up a few. :D Yey for me!
I'm not gonna post my results. (:
Anyway! I'm in the midst of rewatching KHR! ;D HELL YEAH BABY! MUKURO-SAMA STILL LOOKS SO GODAMMNED HOT. Aish. ;__; I love KHR. Why did it have to end...?! ;___; WHAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?! ;m;... GEH. D:
Ain't he just so kyooot?!~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I'm audi-ing again. o: Well, mainly for the new songs and also because my character (in my opinion) is such a bishounen, I'm gonna continue for awhile so if you wanna play with me, why not? JOIN ME AND MY ARMY. -Cough- I mean... Me. xD
I miss the old Audi. It was so much moar fun.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oh and here's the Badminton Farewell cum BBQ Party's details if any member ever checks out my blog.
Date: 22nd November 2010 [Monday]
Time: 11.30am - 10pm
Venue: Pasir Ris Park
Who's invited: All Deyi Badminton CCA members and Seniors!

AFAX IS GONNA COME LITERALLY SOOON! I'm gonna go hunt for my Sebastian and Kaito nendroid there! ;D And I'm buying the Kuroshitsuji manga soon. (: Saw them at popular and comics connection. ;D Ahhh~ Moneh... How great you are!

And here's the details on AFA X.
Date: 13th and 14th November 2010 [Saturday & Sunday]
Time: Anytime
Venue: Suntec City Convention Centre [Trust me, you'll be able to find your way by following cosplayers that'll be around all over on that day.]
Ah! My main purpose today is to post about my Top 5 Want To's!
So here goes nothing!
1. Cosplay
Yeah! I WANT to cosplay. Well, I'm not sure who but I remember I did once wanted to cosplay as Tieria Erde from Gundam 00. I think I fit the role quite well. What do you think? xD Oh then I also wanted to be Mukuro-sama. :D I don't exactly fit him but I mean, I can pull it off! :D Oh I don't know why, but at this time, I would really wanna cosplay Mario and get big just by eating a mushroom. Tee hee. xD
But you know... Cosplay isn't cheap. D:
I used to look like him. (x
He's just so... Dreamy. (x xx
2. Meet Big Bang. :D
The thing is. I've got a thing for Big Bang. xD Well, its not a must-have but its a want to! :D I'm not desperate for it but yeah! It'll be great if I could meet them and take a photo with them! Or even talk to them! (x I still like 'em best out of all them K-POP groups.
3. Have some sort of crazaaaay powers!
Nuff' said. :Dxx
4. Eat yummies.
Yummies refer to chocolates, candies, cakes... Well, and the like. ;D All my life, I would for once want to walk in to a room full of 'em or even a WORLD filled with 'em. (x
Om nom nom nom nom. °Q°xx
[Last but not least!]
5. Be friends with bishounens.
Why not?! :D
Tee Hee. (x xx
And that concludes my list! ;D Anyway! Ending this long post here. (:
Ciao ne! :3
RQOTD: You sir are silleh. ಠ_ರೃ
RSOTD: Cantarella by Kaito
Would have worked wonderful for my art if I had time. D: