Sunday, August 16, 2009 @ 11:00 PM
An Update to Remember (:
Ooh! Hello! (: I haven't posted for a super duper long time eh? xD Sorry about that my eager friends! ;X
Life has been good so far. I guess O_O. Weeeelllllssss... Some updates... Lemme think... O_O Uh. Uh. Uh. My Chinese still sucks horribly! :D Does that count? Okay... Uh. I think blogger has some problems. So I can't post pictures. But anyway... AC pwns. xD (In case you're wondering whats that... its... -drumrolls...- Assassin's Creed. (; ) Bwahahahaha. I bet you were expecting something big. xD Okay. I've gotten back to reading shojo again. And the only update I have to say about it is that... Well... You know when there's those reaaaaaalllllly romantic scenes or when the guy and girl breakup or something similar? :X My heart will go strange for some reason when I see those. xD Oh and I've gotten a new pillow (: But its not green. Dx But its alright. (: I'll survive. (; Okay. I've gotta sleep. This is merely and update mortal friends! :D Be resassured... I'll Be Back. (And yes. I'm saying it in the Arnold way. x)) HEELLLLOOOO~ GOOOOODNIGHTTT~ GOOOODDDDBYEEEEEE~~~~~~! Signing off with a smile, dark. P.S- I'm not going to post alot about those random songs of the day and all anymore. xD I'll try my best though. P.S.S - I'm very sorry if this post seems very wordy. X____X I hate wordy texts. |