Saturday, June 27, 2009 @ 12:15 PM
Heyho! xD Sheryl put it on her blog and so I'm supposed to do it. SO TADAH~
All of the 14 people must do this quiz , unless he/she doesn't have a blog.Write the name of 14 people you can think off the top of your head.Then answer the question. (Not in order) 1.Sheryl 2.Elizabeth 3.Ilina 4.Wen Zhen 5.Shanbin 6.Denise 7.Jiahui 8.Haresh 9.Pimnara 10.Yeeru 11.Dennis 12.Frederick 13.Manga 14.Chevy 01) How did you get to meet 7 ? ( Jiahui ) When I was P3. :D She's a nice person. ^^ 02)What would you do if you & 13 never meet ? ( Manga(a thing) ) WHAT?! MANGA AND ME NOT MEETING?! THATS IMPOSSIBLE! COS I WON'T BE ABLE TO LIVE WITHOUT IT! D: 03) What would you do if 1 & 12 date ? ( Sheryl and Frederick ) >.> no. no. no. IMPOSSIBLE. Sheryl is too pretty for Frederick. D: and Sheryl's mine! 04) Have you ever seen 14 cry? ( Chevy(my bro) ) Yesh. :x 05) Would 4 & 11 be a good couple? ( Wenzhen and Dennis) >.> NO. That'll be a weird pairing. 06) Do you think 11 is attactive? ( Dennis ) -cough cough cough- 07) What is 2 favourite colour? ( Elizabeth ) GREEEEEEEN! xD Well. I think she likes all colours! :D 08) When was the last time you talk to 9? ( Pimnara ) On msn when she came back from Thailand :D 09) What language does 8 speak? ( Haresh ) English. o_O everyone does. 10) Who is 13 going out with? ( Manga(a thing) ) ^____^ me! xD 11) What grade is 12 in ? ( Frederick ) My grade. o____O and my class. 12) Would you ever date with 10? ( Yeeru ) -cough- I'M A GIRL FOR JAYA SAKE! D: 13) Where does 5 live ? ( Shanbin ) Singapore. :D 14) What's the best thing about 3 ? ( Ilina ) She's nice and bubbly :DD~ 15) What would you want to tell 10 now ? ( Yeeru ) Relax. Don't stress. :] go slap your band teacher! :DD 16) What's the best thing about 8 ? ( Haresh ) Wow. o_O he protects he's friends? 17) Have you ever kissed 5 ? ( Shanbin ) ...>.> NO. 18) What was the best memories you have with 7 ? ( Jiahui ) There's alot :] I liked the one with the Ice Fight in it though. :DD~ 19) When's the last time you're going to see 6 ? ( Denise ) D: I dunno... when we totally forget each other? TT___TT when we grow up maybe? D: 20) How is 14 & 12 different ? ( Chevy and Frederick ) My brother is handsome and older than Frederick by 3 years and Frederick is OKAY looking and younger. 21) Is 6 pretty ? ( Denise ) YESH YESH! Of course! :DD~ 22) What was the first impression of 11 ? ( Dennis ) From Teck Ghee primary and a weird random guy whose best friends with Jiajie. o__o honestly I thought that. 23) How did you meet 5 ? ( Shanbin ) O_O P1! We were friends then and still friends now :D~ 24) Is 1 your best friend ? ( Sheryl ) YESH YESH YESH! :DDD OF COURSE! x33 25) Do you hate 12 ? ( Frederick ) No. O_O he does despicable things though sometimes. xD 26) Have you seen 4 on the last month ? ( Wenzhen ) I think so... xD 27) When was the last time you said to 3 ? ( Ilina ) Long ago. O_O in a land far far away! xD 28) Have you been to 5's house ? ( Shanbin ) Nope nope. x__x 29) When's the next time your gonna see 10 ? ( Yeeru ) o_O when school reopens 2 days later. 30) Are you close to 13 ? ( Manga ) YESH! WE'RE VERY CLOSE! xDDDD 31) Have you been to a movie with 4 before ? ( Wen Zhen ) YESH! xD alot of times in fact. 32) Have you ever gotten into trouble with 8 ? ( Haresh ) Um. No. Not really. o_O 33) Would you give 2 a hug ? ( Elizabeth ) xD OF COURSSEEEEE! COME'ERE DAUGHTER! xDD 34) When have you lied to 3 ? ( Ilina ) O_O nope. Never lied to her. 35 ) Is 1 good with socializing ? ( Sheryl ) Hmmm.... So-so :DDD~ But okay lah. ^^ Still quite good. :DD unless its someone she doesn't like. -End of Quiz- |