yooooohooooooo~ long time no post! x3 my bad for that. I was lazy to upload photos cos I hate wordy texts. x__x. anyways. I'm slacking ALOT these days. DX which is typically, a bad thing. xD hahaha. well I DO study most of the times though. Mid-years are in like how many days? 9? yeah. XD haha. AND YOU KNOW STH. I JUST REALISED WHEN I GOOGLED 07-GHOST ANIME... MIYU IRINO, JUN FUKUYAMA, DAISUKE KISHIO, DAISUKE NAMIKAWA, DAISUKE KIRII, JUNICHI SUWABE, AYAKO KAWASUMI,CHIWA SAITO AND MAMIKO NOTO are VA-ing IN IT! XD OMJ SO KEWL I TELL YAH! x3 hahaha.
okie. some nice events that happened recently...
10/04 - Simple Movie Outing with Ex-diligentians. x3
10/04 - My Brother's Bird Day. :D
12/04 - My Cousin's Sarah Leanne's Full Month Celebration. :D
XD so yeah, a group of ex-diligentians went to J8 to have a movie outing :D
-clarence ng
-joshua neo
-bao rong
-shan bin
XD me and shan took the bus at the bus stop near rosyth the french-fries coffee shop to AMK. Then we took a train from there to J8 XD met up with baorong and ronnie(who was STILL tiny as usual... XD) and then waited awhile till clarence ng came. then we went to buy the tickets first in case we drownned in the crowd... XD surprisingly, there was NO crowd! XD I assume its due to the bad market yeah? ):
called kenneth and sujin to find them at macs. then we walked around being wuliao and arcade-ed at the arcade. went to watch the movie(Confessions of a Shopaholic) XD turned out that there was only like 10 guys in total in the whole theatre room. XD
went to library after the show. to find it closed. XD day ended soon after. :D No pics... my bad x___x
heh! people will probably say I'm evil for not going out with my bro and family to celebrate his bird day... But he went out with his friends. so yeah?
OKIE. So we went to eat dinner together at KFC. :D then after that we went to Polar to buy a cake!(My mum had a voucher so we didnt go to prima deli or sth...) bought a cake called: Nutella! XD and then we took my dad's car home. :D bringing with us TG. (my bro's fwen. XD) reaching home, my mum went to light the candles! :D pics over heree~

(birthday boy! ;D)

(my mum's closing her eyes because I told her there was flash and she might drop the cake if she get blinded by the light for like 5seconds. x__x)

(TG and my bro :D)

(FAMILY PIC! :DD nice eh ;D)

(And lastly... THE CAKE! ;D)
okie okie I'll post about my cousin's full moon celebration later. ciao for now ;D!
dailiesRQOTD: Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself.
If absolute power corrupts absolutely, does absolute powerlessness make you
Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find
easier ways to do something.
RSOTD: again - YUI (FMA 2nd Season OP)

(my stuff toys. x___x I threw like half of them away though... D:)

(Guitar I use to practice... XD)
byes, for now.
lynn ;D