:] ellos~ XD nothing's going on with me lately. except for the fact that my english teacher keeps marking me for APPARANTLY ME NOT HANDING UP A WORKSHEET I ALREADY HANDED UP. -_____-" which rather idiotic really. -___-" you know what? kay the story goes like this.
1. Thursday I handed up worksheet, she gives back with a HUGE tick and the DATE on Friday.
2. Next week Monday she asks where's my worksheet. COS SHE DIDNT !@#$%^&* WRITE IT DOWN ON HER !@#$%^&*()_ PAPER.
3. I say, she already give back to me marked.
4. She say, "Where. Show me."
5. I say, "My file. I didn't bring it."
6. She say, "Show me tomorrow."
7. Next day, I didnt bring cos my bag too heavy. She asks where's my worksheet.
8. I say, "Forgot to bring."
9. She say, "I don't care, isn't it your duty to show me the paper?"
10. I think - isnt it your duty to RECORD my marks on the paper in the first place?"
11. Next, she calls me out to do a question which is CORRECT. She cross out somethings cos she not happy with the way I phrase it. -____-
12. She's evil. -__-"
Okay now lets talk about my oral. -_-" It went okay. I guess.
Talked to Frederick on the phone about emo things .__. that made me quite sad actually. DAMM YOU FREDERICK. (but on the other hand thanks too. :])
I. DREW. LELOUCH! :D its a fanart. lookie lookie ;D

Yes, yes. I know his head/hair/face proportion looks weird. x__x But I guess it looks quite okay for my first Lelouch fanart. :D so I'm happy even if you say it looks weird. :]
Okie, time for dailies ;D then I gotta go.
RQOTD: If you can count your money, you don't have a billion dollars.
Silence propagates itself, and the longer talk has been suspended, the more
difficult it is to find anything to say.
RSOTD: Fearless by Taylor Swift
RWOTD: pwned

(one of the splash pages for tsubasa! ;D)
okies I gtg now :] bb!
(I still like who I like ;D)
P.S - ♥♥♥♥LIZZZZZIIIIEEEE♥♥♥♥!!!! :DDD CONGRATS ON WINNING ANIMANIA!!! :DDD and sorry me and wen zhen couldn't attend... ): school ended late. x____x