GAHHH. life is scaaary. T^T... like I mean. have you EVER wondered...? why you were born? o______o... and what happens if the world suddenly goes 'BOOMBAH'? n____n... what if a pandemic strikes... then everyone was zombies? D: lol... to be frank. the future IS scary. T____T... anyways. I screwed up my common test 2. o___o I didnt study. :x actually. I DID. but not much. o____o anyways. I got 17/24 for my home econs exam and I loled and drank soup XD OH YEAAH! AND ELI GAVE ME THE KNIFE OF NEVER LETTING GO BY PATRICK NESS!! ^o^/ YAAAAY!!! I LOVE YOUUUUUU EEEEELLLLLLLIIIIII!!! <3 ^_____^ (and no. I'm NOT lesbian) :] I'm gonna give you something REAAAAAAALLLLLLLLY nice the next time I see yaa!!! ^__^ ohoho. anyways terence made me do this quiz. so yeaah. T___T
10 'Are You's
1. Are you single - nope :]
2. Are you happy - :D << does that answer it?
3. Are you bored - yeah... a lil bit.
4. Are you fair - o____o yep. I think.
5. Are you Italian - nope. piacevole per incontrarlo though. (it means nice to meet you in italian :])
6. Are you intelligent - nope, I'm a total retard! :D
7. Are you honest - hmmm? :x well yeah. most of the time... :X
8. Are you nice - HELL YEAAAH!! XD
9. Are you Irish - ^__^. NO.
10. Are you Asian - yes. o_o
10 Facts.
1. Full Name - cherilynn ang pei rong
2. Nick - cher, cheri and cherry :]
3. Birth Place : s'pore(the small red dott)
4. Hair Colour : black.
5. Natural Hair Style : straight and curled abit at the end. XD
6. Eye Colour : black. pure black. X3
7. Birthday : 23/04/96. COUNT IT MAAANN/LAAAADY
8. Mood : zzZzzzZ half asleep. :]
10. One place you'd like to visit : JAPAN. (AGAAAAAIN!! This time, with my fwens!)
10 things about my love life.
1. Have you ever been in love - yea. :]
2. Do you belive in love at first sight - o_____o abit?
3. Do you currently have a crush - hell yea! XD
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - uhhh no. not really.
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - O_O D: uhhh I did? maybe?
6. Have you ever have your heart broken - I think so... I forgot. O______O
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them - no :]
8. Are you afraid of commitment - NO.
9. Who was the last person you hugged - my mummy! ^___^
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to ? - elizabeth! XD and my mummy!
10 ThisOrTht
1. Love or Lust - <3 X3
2. Hard liquor or beer - o___O I hate beer. gimme wine and there I'll be ;D
3. Cat or Dog - woof. :]
4. A few best friends or any regular friends - ALL FRIENDS!!! :D
5. Creamy or Crunchy - BOTH! :D
6. Pencil or Pen - BOTH! :D (stabs the creator of the quiz's eyes with both pen and pencil)
7. Wild night out or Romatic night in - o____o BOTH MAAAAAN!
8. Money or Happiness - happiness ^__^
9. Night or Day - BOTH. :]
10. IM or phone - BOTH. o_O
10 'Have You Ever's
1. Been caught sneaking out - no. o_o cos I dun do it.
2. Seen a polar bear - HELL YAAAAH... in the zoo XD
3. Done something you regret - ALOT of things.
4. Bungee jumped - nopes. D: I DUN want to unless someone is there.
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - o___o
6. Finished entire jaw breaker - .... o__o
7. Been caught naked - o_____o you do realise you are a perv right maan?
8. Wanted an ex gf/bf back - o____o
9. Cried because you lost a pet - D: yes.
10. Wanted to disappear - alot of times. T^T
10 preferences in a partner.
1. Smile or eyes - :] the heart.
2. Light or dark hair - either is fine.
3. Hugs or Kisses - o______o both. <3 ^__^
4. Shorter or taller - taller. <3 (do you wanna build a robot that fits the description of my preferences or what? O_O I wish you did though.)
5. Intelligent or attraction - BOTH MAAAAN OF COURSE. D:
6. Topman or Zara - just a normal person...
7. Funny or serious - funny, and serious at the same time ^__^
8. Older or Younger - older(by a LIL bit.)
9. Outgoing or Quiet - outgoing! ^^
10. Sweet or Bad - sweet and bad at the same time :X you wont get it... :X
10 'Have You's
1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - yepp... but I forgot.
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than 1 hour - YES! (with JH!! XD)
3. Ever walked on hands - ??? whaaat? walked on hands? walked on people's hands? YEPP I DID! XD sorry person... D: I forgot who you were though....
4. Ever been to a rock concert - D: AWWWW I WANT TO.
5. Ever been in a cheerleading team - ...nu-uh.
6. Ever been in a dance team - o___o no.
7. Ever been in a sports team - nope :]
8. Ever been in a drama play/production- yepps :]
9. Ever owned a BMW/Mercedes Benz/Escalade/Hummer/Bentley? - WOW MAAAAAN. I DID! IN A BLOODY GAME :D
10. Ever been in a rap video - o___o I dun rap maaaan.
10 'Last's
1. Last phone call you made - mama :]
2. Last person you hugged - mama :]
3. Last person you hung out with - my bro. ^__^
4. Last time you worked - yesterday! XD
5. Last person you talked to - daddddy! ^^
6. Last person you IM'd - curtis XD
7. Last person you texted - elizabeth! ^__^
8. Last person you when movie with - diligentians... T^T -cries at the memory-
9. Last person /thing you missed - D: diligentians
10. Last websited visited - http://www.mangafox.com/page/manga/read/199/penguin_revolution/chapter.26625/page.2/
Random Word of The Day(NEW SECTION! :D): clouds


(FEEL THE FLOWERS!! X3 hohoho!)
