@ 4:54 PM
happy CNY X3 and another quiz
hihi all,
HAPPY CNY ;D! and I'm gonna post pics from my reunion soon.(kadaj's reunion XD lol) and uhhh.... yeah another quiz cope from wenzhenny X3 1. Name? Cherilynn 2.Are you well liked? Ask my fwenies :D 3.What music do you like? whaaaat I like. -.- 4.How old are you? 12 going 13 5.Did you do this quiz willingly? Yeah. o_o obvious aint it? 6.Christmas is coming... Do you believe in Santa? O_O REALLLY?! THAT MUST MEAN I'M IN THE FUTURE :DDD!~ 7.Do you have a crush? do you really have to ask? Yeah. Doesnt everyone have one at leaaast? O_O 8.Are you smart? not reaaally -.- 9.Are you dumb? HELL YEAAAAHHHHH! :DDD (retard in fact!) 10.Do you believe in ghosts? YES. DUHH. AND I'M SCARED OF THEM LIKE HELL. T-T 11.CCA? Symphonic Band. (Yeaaaaaahh... sadly... blame Deyi lah!) 12.Are you married? nuh-uh -.-... I'm not of legal age hellloooo? 13.Have you ever had chickenpox? Yeah... When I was P1. (Skipped school for like 3 weeks or sth... :x) 14.Do you speak languages other than English and your own mother tongue? Yeah. Hokkien. And a lil bit jap. 15.Do you speak Tamil? No. o_o 16.What do you inspire to be in the future? duuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooo! :D 17.Which god do you worship? Freethinker -.- 18.Name me a place in Singapore that's hunted? Haw Par Villa. (heard it was. and I think it is... scaaaaaary T^T) 19.Which part of that place is haunted? NO IDEA. I'M ALREADY FREAKED OUT DAMMMIT! D: 20.Any proof? Ask the SPI... D: 21.Are you freaked out? I SAID SO EARLIER. 22.What is your greatest wish? Its a secret. 23.When did you last cry? Not too long ago? 24.Who did you last talk to on IM I forgot O_O 25.Name 5 ppl you love or loved. I lurb everyone! :3 26.Did you talk to your ex today? O_O 27.How about yesterday? O_O 28.How about the day before yesterday? O_O 29.Look, I'm trying to get to 42 questions. Could you bear with me for awhile? -.- why 42? damm you. 30.Who are you BFFS? ELI,ILI,SHERYL,WENZHENNY,JERROLD,WEIXIANG(maybe...),BAORONG(maybe...),JENGWOON,JIAHUI,DENISE,YUTING AND HARESH... BUT I HAVE LOADS MORE OKAAAAY?! 31.Do boys love you? -.- go ask them yourself. 32.If no, why?(skip if you answered yes) o_o... 33.Do girls love you? o_o... ask them urself -.- 34.If no, why?(skeep if you answered yes) ...-.- 35.Are you gay/lesbian? FOR THE HUNDREDTH AND NINETY-NINE THOUSAND TIME... I'M NOT LESBIAN!!!!!!!!!!! RAWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRR! D< 36.If yes, why? (skeep if you answered no) skip 37.Whats your website? look at it on the web bar you retard. 38.Whats your top 3 fav movies? I loveeeeeeee movies... 39.Whats your top 3 fav tv shows? dunnnnoooooooooo 40.Do you hate anyone? Yeahhhhhhhhh.... 41.Who is that? its a secret ;x 42.Bye!!! -.- you suck. |
@ 9:11 PM
Got taqqed by yee ru XD
gonna write cos it sounds fun :D Okay so... Rules: 1. Put your iTunes or media player or etc on a "shuffle" mode 2. For each question, click next to find your answer 3. YOU MUST WRITE THE SONG NAME NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS! 4. Put comments, if any, after the song name 5. Tag 6 people Are you female or male? Don't Touch -Ashley Tisdale ( o__o meaning dun ask? XD its obvious I'm a girl) Describe yourself. Like Whoa -Aly and AJ (WHOA! I'm whoa XD) What do people feel when they're around you? We're All In This Together -HSM (LOL... we're all a team?) Describe your current relationship. Motteke! Sailor Fuku -Aya Hirano (o___o.... wtf?) Where you like to be now? Beautiful Soul -Jesse McCartney (o____o maybe a beautiful place?) How do you feel about love? Womanizer -Britney Spears (O_O WTF... I DUN FLIRT OKAY?!) (but seriously I'll be laughing if this wasnt on MY bloq -.-) What's your life like? Take A Bow -Rihanna (o____o yeaaahh... like a stage ;D) What would you ask for if you had only one wish? Not Like That -Ashley Tisdale (Yeah... life isnt like that -.-) Say something wise. Now Or Never -Zac Efron (LOL... Yeahh. NOW OR NEVER. GO DO WHATEVER YOU WANT ;D) If someone says "Is this okay?" you say... Superman -Five For Fighting (O_O SUPERMAN FTW :DDD!!) How would you describe yourself? I Want It All -Ashley Tisdale and Lucas Grabeel (o_O woah. kewl. XD) What do you like in a girl/guy? Colors of the Wind -Vanessa Williams (? Whaaaaat? o___o) How do you feel today? First Kiss -Aa! (Whats that supposed to mean?) What is your life's purpose? Reflection -Christina Aguilera (reflecting whaaaat? o_O) What is your motto? About A Girl -The Academy Is (I'm not lesbian puh-lease! D:) What do friends think of you? Disturbia -Rihanna (YEPP! I disturb them loads ;D either that or they think I'm a freak! -gasp- T-T) What do you think of your parents? Miss Independent -Ne-Yo (LOL?! I didnt know my dad was a 'Miss' XDXD) What do you think about very often? I Kissed A Girl -Katy Perry (LOLOLOLOL. I SAID I AINT A LESBIAN PLEASE! -.-) (THIS IS GETTING FROM BAD TO WORST D: ITS FREAKING ME OUT TOO! T-T) What is 2+2? Dancing In The Velvet Moon -Nana Mizuki (o____o whooaa i'm gonna tell this new discovery to my math's teacher :D) What do you think of your best friend? Two Worlds -Phil Collins (We're both in our own worlds?) (This one is sortaaaaa right ;x) What do you think of the person you like? Hakanaku mo Towa no Kanashi (Fleeting and Everlasting Sorrow) -UVERworld (HEYY!!! I DONT THINK THAT! D< HE ISNT A SORROW D:) What is your life's story? Love Story -Taylor Swift (Riiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhhhtttt..... A love story eh... Fairytale?) What do you want to be when you grow up? Stop and Stare -One Republic (Huh? OHH. I wanna stop and stare at everyone I pass... -.-) What do you think of when you see the person you like? Beautiful Soul -Jesse McCartney (o_O its repeated... But yeahh. I feel sth like that ;x) What will you dance to at your wedding? Walk Away -Vanessa Hudgens (o_O whaaat? I'm cursing myself to walk away at my wedding day -.-) What will they play at your funeral? Accidentally In Love -Counting Crows (Yeahh the band suits my funeral. But everyone's accidentally in love with me ;D) What is your hobby/interest? Scream -Zac Efron (WOAAAAAHH... Do I scream that much? O_O) What is your biggest fear? American Idiot -Green Day (LOL... I DONT WANT TO BE ONE ;D) (No offence to americans... ._.) What is your biggest secret? Advent Children - One Winged Angel Nobuo Uematsu (its a secret... :]) What do you think of your friends? Headstrong -Ashley Tisdale (Kewl all ;D) What will you post this as? Yeah -Usher (LOL. AWESOME YA'ALL! YEAHHH!) ~ I TAG : 1. Elizabeth (MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!) 2. Sheryl (wanna see XD) 3. WenZhen (MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :X) 4. ShanBin (;D gd luck!) 5. Jerrold (HOHOHOHOHO! :x) 6. WeiXiang (kewl.) LOL DONE WITH THE QUIZ THATS EVIL AND SAYS I'M LESBIAN. (GO DIE LAH QUIZ...) -.- Seriously. I'M NOT LESBIAN. I LIKE GUYS. (NOT AS IN EVERY GUY LAH OBVIOUSLY!) -sigh- okies now I gonna do another quiz :D next post shall be about it :D |
Saturday, January 24, 2009 @ 4:57 PM
one last thing :x
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 @ 9:06 PM
one more thing...
oh yeaaaaaahhh.... if anyone has a miniture version of sephiroth's masamune sword.... TELL ME WHERE CAN I BUY IT! =DDD~ (The life-sized one costs about $300? lolz...T^T cant afford....)
Thursday, January 15, 2009 @ 4:04 PM
hohohoho! hihihi!
X3 hihihi yeaaahhh.... enjoying sch now ^-^ finaaaaallly siaa. ._. but I still miss diligentians and rosythians T-T... I MISS YOU ALL D:!!!! I made fork marks! :D X3 oh yeaaa... I cooked at home econs. ;3 hohohoho pasta and soup @__@!! I think we're gonna make muffins or sth next XD so YAY! MUFF MUFF MUFF MUFFINASSSS! XDDDDD HYPERNESSSSSSSSS! :] oh yeahh... my group presented today! :D I think we did quite well la ^-^ sneaked a peek at the marks coz teacher sit beside me XD then I saw we got 8/10 :D gd larhs. ^-^ hohohoho! I still miss everyone... T-T go back for chinese new year k? I'll be there! XD hmmm.... not much hw. I think ;3 VOICES OF A DISTANT STAR FTWWWW! X3 brb dinner |
Thursday, January 8, 2009 @ 10:37 PM
OH YEA! AGAIN. I forget. :x LOCKON SNIPES OKAY?! HIS DAMM IMBA WITH HIS MOBLIE SUIT! HAWTTTT! HE HAS AN ORANGE HARO TOO!!! Lockon = imba sniper in mobile suit ;] and his soooo shuai X3 hohohoho! XD okies. okokok. strangely. he kinda reminds me of athrun... o_O XD any opinions or critizism?
@ 9:44 PM
bored AGAIN
lol. bored la... now talking to chengyi on the line -.- for no reason. he wuliao lorhs he. -.-... anyways. school was better. o____O... I think. ;p I din bring much books. XD LOLZ oh yea. an answer to your questions: 'Are you transfering?' answer: NO. LOLZ. Probably not la XD Never get call from sch so no lorhs. if you wondering why I bo books, then its coz no stock(now I currently dun have like 13 books. INCL geog la T-T I wanted to read it...) ;x and long queue la... X3 anyways la, yea... teacher got improve ABIT. I guess. XD And I'm still unpopular coz I dun talk much :x but ppl got come talk to me o_O and they said I look like someone XD and my class la, got one girl looks a lil bit like sujin XD attitude ABIT like sujin also XD!! lulz. X3 hmmm uhhh... what else o_O oh ya... got like chair person rite? I forgot the name o_O Vice-chair was Shane. o_O I think. XD then got alot of ppl who talk alot o_o... I like stay hidden one corner... XD I MISS ROSYTH! T-T no more sorethroat le btw o_O tooth a lil bit pain -.-... din go see dentist got found out it wasnt the tooth XD blur sia me. lulz. hmmm... what else. oh ya. 1 new fwen. I think? or was it 2? XD forgot. paiseh. >< LOCKON STRATOS IS HAWT! (^O^)/ hohoho! ^-^ I show euu! ♥ LOCKON ♥ ![]() (in case ur wondering. his the one on the left X3) AGREE EH! HIS HAWT!!♥♥♥♥♥♥ ^o^ hohohohos okies I gtg le. buai! luvies, lynn RANDOM PIC OF THE DAY: ![]() P.S - is it getting hot in here or is it just me? XD HIS TOO HAWT ^O^ Labels: lockon |
Tuesday, January 6, 2009 @ 8:09 PM
normal sch day 1 LAUNCH!
lolz... today first day of NORMAL sch o_o anyways... I didnt bring any textbooks... coz din buy yet -.-... but I got jolt down LOADS of notes. Then la, my form teacher she like suan me like that -.- say arhs: "Cherilynn, where's your textbooks?" then I said haven't buy yet. then she damm bad la, say "So when you going to buy your textbook? End of the year? Christmas?" I was like, "Sorry... Either today or tomorrow I'm going to buy my books." then she say "Today or tomorrow arh... Orh okay." then walk away. WAH LAO LA. I NOT THE ONLY ONE WITH NO BOOK RITE? NOT MY FAULT I BUY YET RIGHT?! I MIGHT BE TRANSFERING RIGHT? WTF LA, sumore only say to me -.- wtf. Oh ya. then right, got this list of names where you supposed to write your grade for maths and ur score for PSLE. then I saw like I was the only one with 'C' but my score was like highest? -.-... alamak. oh yea. geog sounded nice to me... lol. then IT was like SHYT. teacher so strict... -.- what else... OH YEA. MY FIRST IMPRESSION OF MY FORM TEACHER WAS ACTUALLY A NICE LADY. -.- end up like damm bad. -.-... anyways, science teacher was good la. so nice T-T... hmmm IT teacher was super strict. ENGLISH teacher was NOT like Mrs Clara Tan AT ALL. He was an old man. and he say his teaching is gonna be OLD SCHOOL. -.- and whatever word thats like hard to spell... etc. he'll put it in the word bank. heres some examples: e.g: facilitate(LOL SO EASY RITE?), tell-tale signs(-.-... WHO DUNNO?) oh. and recess I damm lonely also, like, straight away go back class after I eat dhen never talk to anyone in class either except for 2 girls o_o... lolz I miss rosyth and all... T-T... tomorrow I gonna go dentist to check teeth... coz I got like toothache. I think. I scared got decay soon or sth so I on my own accord go check. Dunno if open anot ._. *shivers* ... and I forgot where it was -.-... I remembered it was in some corridor. X3... blame my stml ;x oh wells... oh ya... after sch on bus I sat with clara, jueqi and eva XD lol. X3 aiya, I lost appetite btw o_o... and I have a sorethroat that hurts(not REALLY yet) T__T... and I lost my beloved notebook... I'm SURE I placed it in my bag. but now its gone... good thing no afternoon session or sth -.- if not they take le. T-T I hope its in sch tho... :( if not I'll be damm depressed. T-T... okays anyways I end my post here. I got no pics today coz using bro's comp... phones not allowed in diff parts of sch. and I no camera phone -.-... my old handphone got soaked on the day we went chalet. lol. so now cannot repair and I have to use a NORMAL phone XD better than nothing. so must be thankful :] okies ending post ;D byeee! luvies, lynn |
Saturday, January 3, 2009 @ 9:08 PM
nothing much...
♥_♥ lulz ellos! hmmm... what I did today. UH... I finished up my drawing of ♥chibi chachamaru♥ 8D WITH COLOUR! XD hmmm.... and uh... I kinda got SCOLDED by my parents for playing comp too much when sch reopens.... D: so I wont be posting so much le o_o.... ;__; okies anyways. played wolfteam with baorong... bullied some ppl in the midst and ownned a couple more by myself lata :D I wont be able to wolfteam on monday onwards... but! I can surf the net in my free time ;D not too much tho o_o.. I WAN MY ROOM! X3 okies anyways. met another pal in wolfteam... o_O from argentina. X3 KEWL EHHS!? :D hohohoho. :3 hmmm.... what else.... OH YEAH. ELI! IF YOU READ THIS POST! I HAVE ANOTHER MANGA TO RECOMMEND! and its kinda like monochrome factor... the art looks like it. ^-^ its oso similiar in a sense that the guy looks like a girl -.- XD yepp ;D ITS CALLED.... *DRUM ROLLS!* CRISTO <--- YEPP thats the name ;D okies. anyways one of my tooth hurts o_o and I dunno why... doesnt look like a decay or anyth. it just hurts T-T its like one of those tooth thats further in o_o but not wisdom tooth or sth XD. hohohoho :3 ^-^ and my bro's crazy over Lucky♦Star... XD its like damm random ;D but LOVE IT EITHER WAYS COZ OF THAT REASON! X3 oh yea. some replies to ur taqs:
w31x14n9: -o.o cheri i noe y le cuz my blogskin cannot b view by explorer...btw my sch hall have 24 sets of air con XDXD dark >> w31x14n9: -XD I knew sth was wrong with your bloq D: ;p okay la. my sch hall oso quite alot. but I din count. XD not like you XD lizzy: -'KNIFE OF NEVER LETTING GO' IS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD XD HOHOHOHOHO!!! -AND I READ TILL PAGE 136 NOW -AND I'M A SLOOOOOOOWWWW READER XD (very slow) -O_____________O dark >> lizzy: -:D wads it abt?! X3 I MIGHT wanna read XDXD -O_O wah thats fast. XD BUT I'M FASTER! XD -XD okok then ignore my previous comment ;x - O_____________O right back at cha ;D bernice: -hi cherilynn,tag//link me...tks dark >> bernice: -thanx for taqqinq and visiting ;D I cant access your bloq yet o_O strangely. D: I'll link you as soon as possible ;D Wz*: tag!!! dark >> wz*: XD THANKS FOR TONS AND LOADS OF TAQS X3 ♥lovies, lynn |
Friday, January 2, 2009 @ 2:22 PM
@ 2:01 PM
new sec sch ;D
HIHI!!!!! ZOMGZ, I'M BACK FROM DEYI! IT WAS DAMNED FUNN I TELL YA! XD I love it. @__@ lulz. THE PEOPLE THERE ARE FUN! X3 ANYWAYS! :D uhh the school compound was liek SUPER BIG for a neighbourhood sch. XD they had like a SMALL farm uh... that had a greenhouse looking thing with water tanks inside. And I saw one tank had fishies inside X3 XD hohohoho! -miaow- and the netball and basketball court was like DAMM BIG O_O! XD okies uhhh... what else... OH YA! THE HALL WAS AIR-CONDITIONED! ;D and the principle is damn humble... unlike a CERTAIN CELINE principle... Honestly speaking. I think celine was REALLY biased to certain students. ESPECIALLY GEP students and OUTSTANDING students. However thats from my point of view la -.- no offence, but I have NO MORE relations to that sch unless I go back for teachers day or sth. XD wheee! probably I might join Art Club la. simple and standard... I think I DUN wanna join anyth. but basketball coach came and asked some ppl whether they interested... I saw the basketball court and fell in love? I mean... I LIKE basketball, and coz Rosyth dun have team I cant join. ;p oh wells. LULZ they gonna have championship for the soccer this year. so I think those soccer ppl gonna get tortured by the coach XDXD hohohoho! -inputs scene of sadistic thoughts- X3 WAH this post damn long. okies better stop le okies? BYEEE!
luvies, lynn ;D |
Thursday, January 1, 2009 @ 10:01 PM
before I forget...
@ 9:39 PM
Happy New Year!
ELLOS! :D Happy New Year all! ;D uhh... tmr's gonna be the first day in my new sec sch O_O -gasp- D: I forgot how to make fwens to be honest... T-T coz I'm gonna miss every p6-diligentians '08 and 412tians '06 XD BBFS FOREVER KAY?! X3 hmmm.... Today, went to loads of places with family :3 firstly, went to Hougang Plaza's Novena XD to see the furniture o_O dhen went to AMK Defu and finally picked 2 bedroom sets o_o... for my bro and me. XD gonna shift to new bedroom on the 23rd of Feb. ^-^ happy. LOL. no comp in the room laa. T-T oh yea. I'll try posting a pic of me wearing my glasses soon 8D uhhh.... my room's gonna be GREENISH! XD... then papa, korkor and me also went to watch Bedtime Stories. :x No poster ;p but theres a movie scene XD ![]() AND THEN! IT STARTED RAINING GUMBALLS! XD hohohoho! ^-^ Bugsy was like SUPER CUTE X3 big eyes.... O_O <- LIKE THIS XD okies anyways I end my post here :D I gotta transfer loads of music to my mp3 -.- coz my NEW and OLD phone cant take music de D: so gotta use mp3. but yea. okies. gtg now. byebye! lovies, lynn |