Wednesday, December 31, 2008 @ 2:35 PM
XD yay finally added PLAYABLE and AUTOPLAY music on to bloq X3 okies... lemme think what I shuld post. uh... lalalalala. Hmmm.... Today's the 31st of Dec and today's there's a countdown party at Clarence's house XD I aint going o_O X3 cos I forgot. :x ... Maybe that came out a lil bit wrong. but oh wells. XD uhhh.... well LELOUCH ISNT DEAD! ^-^/ YAY! XD Hmmm.... Finished reading Breaking Dawn yesterday yesterday! :3 AWESOME EHS! ^-^ XD t-one maple ish lagging like... nobody's bussiness and I couldnt log in properly the last time I checked. ._. thats bad :x Audi doing fine... Wolfteaming eh... WE LOST LIKE SHYT IN PB. D: thats VERY BAD... T-T aiyaa. nvm ==" okies end of 2nd post. I'll try my best to post as MUCH as possible XD link me plz~ tq~!
lovies, lynn |
@ 1:09 PM
lol hihiihi. o_O new bloq. FINALLY? XD thanks to jerrold for helping with the skin o_O X3 arigato! uhh lemme think... what shuld I post.... OH YEAA. UH BELATED MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND ALSO... HAPPY NEW YEAR XD